Jinshan Science and Technology Little Giant Enterprise Project Passed Acceptance

Time:2021-01-21 Source :Shanghai Fuju Chemical Products Co., Ltd.

  After a two-year project construction period, Fluoropoly Co., Ltd. completed the construction of the innovation system and the implementation of construction funds and other indicators, and successfully passed the acceptance. This is another technical honor of Fluoropoly after obtaining "Jinshan District Patent Demonstration Enterprise".

  It is reported that the Jinshan Science and Technology Little Giant Enterprise Project evaluates the proportion of enterprise R&D personnel, scientific research investment, enterprise intellectual property rights, enterprise credit rating, annual operating income, net profit growth rate and other dimensions, and evaluates the innovation and scale of the enterprise. Both sex and demonstration put forward certain requirements. The successful acceptance this time just proved the comprehensive strength of Fluoropoly.

  On the road of innovation, fluoropolymer has never stopped. In the future, fluoropolymer will further increase research and development, continuously improve innovation capabilities and core technologies, and use technological innovation to drive industrial upgrading and enhance the competitiveness of fluoropolymer in the industry.